Thousands sign a petition to tell the CPUC: NO HIGHER UTILITY BILLS!

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh displayed thousands of signed petitions from upset residents in her district about the rise in monthly utility bills. 

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) has heard from thousands of concerned residents who signed a petition urging the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to reconsider its decision and reject the rise in monthly utility bills by an added fixed charge.

"The proposal by the CPUC to impose an uncapped $24.15 fixed charge on electrical bills is deeply concerning," said Senator Ochoa Bogh. "This fee, which can be increased at any point by the unelected board, places an unnecessary burden on consumers. I encourage all Californians to make their voices heard and let the CPUC know, enough is enough!"

The petitionled by Senator Ochoa Bogh, allows Californians struggling with our state's already high cost of living to join the fight against higher utility bills.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently voted to raise monthly utility bills by adding a fixed charge of more than $24 per month. Senator Ochoa Bogh, along with her Republican colleaguesurged the CPUC to reject this proposal and protect Californians from unjustified and escalating utility costs.

To everyone's disappointment, the CPUC voted to raise consumers' monthly utility bills

Similarity, the proposed increases in gas prices by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), including mandates under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and further restrictions to the cap-and-trade program, are not just troubling, but potentially devastating for Californians. 

Earlier this monthLegislative Republicans called on the California Air Resources Board to be honest and transparent about the impact a series of proposed regulations will have on California's runaway gas prices.

"And we wonder why the cost of living is so high. Californians need a break! I am committed to working with my colleagues to address immediate concerns and create long-term stability and affordability in California. Together, we can make California a place where every hardworking family can thrive," concluded Senator Ochoa Bogh. 

The Senate Republican Caucus has collectively received nearly six thousand petitions, which will be delivered to the CPUC and CARB this week.