Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee
Bills relating to business and professional practices and regulations other than bills relating to horseracing, alcoholic beverages, oil, mining, geothermal, or forestry industries.
Governmental Organization Committee (Vice Chair)
Oversight of administrative procedures and the creation or elimination of regulatory agencies. Supervision of specific sectors like alcoholic beverages, public gaming, horse racing, and state-run businesses. Management of state buildings, planning and safety.
Health Committee (Vice Chair)
Bills relating to public and private health insurance, behavioral health (including substance use disorder), public health, health facilities, health care workforce, health information technology, emergency medical services, food safety, prescription drugs, and related institutions.
Bills amending the Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Evidence Code, Family Code, and Probate Code. Bills relating to courts, judges, and court personnel. Bills relating to liens, claims, and unclaimed property. Bills relating to privacy and consumer protection.
Bills relating to the California State Transportation Agency, California High-Speed Rail Authority, California Highway Patrol, California Transportation Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), transportation funding, transportation planning and programming, public transit, intercity rail, mobile sources of air pollution, rules of the road, driver’s licenses, goods movement, state highways, local streets and roads, vehicles, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and vessels.
Joint Legislative Audit Committee
With the goal of improving government performance, the JLAC independently and through the work of the California State Auditor’s Office (CSA) oversees the operations and finances of government and publicly created entities. The JLAC reviews and takes action on audit requests, which are submitted to the Committee from any Member of the Legislature. It also monitors government operations through oversight hearings.
The Joint Committee on Rules is not only responsible for approving events, exhibits, and equipment for events, but also has a legislative purpose. This committee has and may exercise all of the rights, duties, and powers conferred upon investigating committees and their members by the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly.
Revenue and Taxation (Vice Chair)
Primary jurisdiction is the Revenue and Taxation Code.