Public Safety Power Shut Offs



Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) have become an extremely frustrating way of life throughout Southern California and especially here in Senate District 23. These shutoffs can impact essential health services, impair businesses, schools and overall daily life. I am working reduce the need for public safety power shutoffs. 

One major reason for the shutoffs is the fire risk posed by above ground power lines.  An important step in eliminating PSPS is moving power lines underground to minimize the threat of fires during windy conditions. 

That is why I introduced the Power Line Safety Act, which would streamline the process of moving power lines underground.   

Until the PSPS are no longer needed, I encourage everyone to prepare in advance by having emergency supplies on hand, including flashlights, batteries, food, and water available. If you rely on medical equipment that requires electricity, please make sure you have a backup power plan.

Stay informed by signing up for local alerts and regularly checking the Southern California Edison website for updates on potential shutoffs in your area. Additionally, follow safety guidelines during outages—avoid using candles and take precautions when using generators.

Your safety is my priority, and I am here for you. I will continue to do all I can to eliminate the need for the PSPS while addressing safety concerns relating to wildfires. I appreciate your cooperation and preparedness as we work together on this important issue. 

Public Safety Power Shutoff Resources: 

Southern California Edison Information on Public Safety Power Shutoffs

Sign-up for Southern California Edison Alerts

Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Information on PSPS

Contact me with questions or suggestions